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Accessing Company Resources From Home

Solution Multi-Factor Authentication Setup:

Go to and log in using your SBG credentials. You must be at the station and plugged into the network to perform this step.

If at this point, you get a phone call or text message from the system, you are already enrolled.

From the dropdown menu, select “Phone Call” or Text Message,” then type in your mobile phone number (not your desk phone), and click “Call/Text Me Now to Authenticate.”

The MFA system will then call/text the number which you provided. Reply to the message with the code it sends you.

You are now enrolled! You should see a welcome screen on your browser. This screen has an FAQ section which you may want to review.

If you ever need to change your authentication method, you can do so from here.

Once you’re set up with the Multi-Factor Authentication system, you can connect to resources on the Sinclair network from any internet-connected computer. Here are some links to get you started:

The Bridge:
Office Online:
OneDrive Online:
Citrix Workspace:

Attached to this article are these instructions in PDF form, and instructions from Corporate.

Access_company_resources_from_home_-_updated_instructions.pdf Access_company_resources_from_home_-_updated_instructions.pdf

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Article details
Article ID: 64
Category: Remote Access
Date added: 2020-03-20 16:39:57
Views: 9950
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (3)

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